Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We provide free demo versions of all our indicators. Download and test them to experience their features and functionalities.

Our indicators are available for purchase on the MQL5 marketplace. You can find them here.

Visit our website, go to the ‘Indicators’ section, and select the indicator you’re interested in. Once there, you’ll find the link to the MQL5 indicator page, where you can then choose the ‘Download Demo’ option.

Yes, we offer video tutorials on our website to guide you through the installation and usage of our indicators. Check our YouTube channel here for more information.

MQL5 accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and other electronic payment options.

The full version of the indicators is generally licensed for use on up to 5 accounts (5 activations). For additional accounts, additional licenses may be required.

Yes, we provide dedicated customer support. For any queries or assistance, contact us at or fill out the contact form on our website.

We continuously work on improving our indicators based on market changes and user feedback. Regular updates are released, and customers are notified about new versions.

Feel free to contact our support team for any specific questions or concerns not addressed in this FAQ.